Приветствую. Вот и новый выпуск новостей. В основном по мелочам, но есть и кое-что весьма интересное.
ВНИМАНИЕ: отныне все файлы на сайте будут выкладываться в архивах 7-Zip/LZMA2. Для успешной распаковки убедитесь, что Вы используете последнюю версию 7-Zip. Также можно использовать WinRAR версии 3.91 или выше.
update: VST Adapter (foo_vst.dll) v0.52 - плагин от российского разработчика, позволяет работать с VST эффектами как с обычными DSP.
0.52 Исправлена страшная ошибка, которая могла привести к сбою приложения при остановке воспроизведения.
Добавлена экспериментальная возможность смены треков без перезагрузки плагинов.
Добавлена экспериментальная поддержка настройки в немодальном режиме (View > DSP).
Добавлены кое-какие формальности для «капризных» плагинов.
Добавлен параметр, позволяющий ограничить число выходов.
Исправлены серьёзные ошибки, понижавшие стабильность. Помечен как 1.00.01.
Первый выпуск, помеченный как 1.0. Крайне нестабильный.
update: SoX Resampler/mod/mod2 SSE3 v0.5.5 + generic version ( (foo_dsp_resampler*.dll) - теперь Generic версия работает на процессорах без поддержки SSE2 (например, Athlon XP).
update:Exact Audio Copy v1.0 beta 1 + руссификатор - дождались. Таким образом разработка EAC продолжается. Почитать на русском об изменениях в этой версии и обсудить их можно в соответствующей теме на RuTracker.org.
Finally here is the new version 1.0 beta 1 which has some mighty new features. I took some time (mainly the complete change to unicode character set), but alls well that ends well…
Here comes a list of the new features:
+ Unicode support for all fields (but not CD-Text)
+ New database engine for storing CD information (old databases can be imported)
+ Metadata plugin support, for now there is a freedb plugin included. This will be released as open source freeware soon.
+ Cover support, can be drag’n'dropped from a file, a web page oder can be retrieved via a metadata plugin (support included in the freedb plugin). Cover can be written into tags or in the extraction directory
+ AccurateRip v2 support
+ Better Windows 7 support (like progress display in taskbar icon, storage of user data in the correct folders, etc.)
+ Free selection of first track track number (including option to continue numbering from the last inserted CD)
+ Option to always write the log file in english language
+ Option for writing a checksum over the extraction log data to the log file
+ Average extraction speed is listed in the log file
+ Possibility to write only V2 tags (and no V1 tags)
+ Free choice of replacement characters for filenames
+ Range copy selects now the first selected consecutive range of tracks as default
+ New folder browser dialog (system dialog for folders)
+ Added two placeholders for filename creation for track length (min and sec)
+ Test for (command line) compression options (and display of a sample command line)
+ Menu for removing unwanted/doubled spaces from “cd title”, “artist” & “track titles”
And some features are now removed:
- Removed Windows 2000 support (and any older OSs)
- Removed ID3V1 tag editor
- Removed compression offset
Hope you like it!
The next version is also planned, it will mainly contain an additional demo for a commercial metadata provider (if anybody would like to have access)
[2010-11-28] REL: VERSION 2.47b (for Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7)
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[2010-11-28] NEW: helper menu for removing individual tag fields, removing all tag fields, and
resetting the tag fields list at tag field selection lists.
[2010-11-28] NEW: menu item for removing all items from history at format string selection lists.
[2010-11-27] FIX: applying changes to M4V files gave file cannot be written error message.
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[2010-11-19] REL: VERSION 2.47a (for Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7)
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[2010-11-19] FIX: tag field renamings from v2.47 were not applied for some users.
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[2010-11-19] REL: VERSION 2.47 (for Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7)
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[2010-11-11] NEW: scripting functions $trimLeft, $trimRight, $cutLeft and $cutRight.
[2010-11-10] CHG: menu item 'Actions' moved from 'Converter' to own top-level menu with action
groups as menu items.
[2010-11-08] FIX: scripting function $IfLonger did not always return the correct result.
[2010-11-08] FIX: some tag fields were renamed incorrectly with v2.46d.
[2010-10-26] CHG: updated discogs web source.
[2010-10-23] CHG: handling of Amazon web sources to allow for web sources that do not rely on AWS.
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name BAND to ALBUMARTIST
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name ALBUMSORTORDER to ALBUMSORT
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name ARTISTSORTORDER to ARTISTSORT
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name BANDSORTORDER to ALBUMARTISTSORT
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name COMPOSERSORTORDER to COMPOSERSORT
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name TITLESORTORDER to TITLESORT
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name TVSHOWSORTORDER to TVSHOWSORT
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name ITUNESCOMPILATION to COMPILATION
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name ITUNESPODCAST to PODCAST
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name ITUNESPODCASTDESC to PODCASTDESC
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name ITUNESPODCASTID to PODCASTID
[2010-10-13] CHG: renamed field name ITUNESPODCASTURL to PODCASTURL
[2010-10-10] CHG: improved splash screen response time.
[2010-10-04] NEW: added support for iTunes U at ITUNESMEDIATYPE MP4 field.
[2010-09-25] FIX: ID3v2 WXXX frames with empty description were not read.
[2010-09-21] FIX: dragging columns after resizing restored previous column width.
[2010-09-21] CHG: file extensions is now omitted when using _FILENAME or _ALL at all action types
except 'Replace with regular expression'.
[2010-09-07] FIX: fixed possible runtime error when displaying the extended tag dialog (since
[2010-08-30] NEW: added M4V to supported file extensions.
[2010-08-22] NEW: added German help file (many thanks to dano!).
[2010-08-22] FIX: filter IS and HAS did not handle umlauts in uppercase correctly.
[2010-08-17] CHG: updated MusicBrainz tag source.
[2010-08-14] CHG: updated discogs tag source.
[2010-08-08] CHG: added workaround for an issue when displaying the extended tag dialog under Wine
[2010-08-02] NEW: added support for setting cover type for multiple different covers at once.
[2010-04-22] FIX: closing filter window when in floating state did not reset file view.
[2010-04-22] FIX: moving file where file already exists in target resulted in duplicate entries in
file list.
[2010-04-22] NEW: edit user-defined tool dialog is resizable now.
[2010-04-22] CHG: file path of the currently selected file now displayed at caption of extended tag
[2010-04-18] NEW: file list columns can now be rearranged via drag'n'drop.
[2010-04-18] CHG: minor changes in default genre list.
[2010-04-17] FIX: replace did not work in web source scripts if replacement was part of sequence to
be found.
[2010-04-10] FIX: deadlock on files with malformed ID3v2 tags.
[2010-04-09] FIX: undesired behaviour when renaming _DIRECTORY through action 'Format value' with a
format string resulting in an empty value.
[2010-04-09] CHG: DATE is not automatically mapped to ID3v2.4 TDRC frame anymore.
[2010-04-04] CHG: updated discogs web source.
[2010-04-03] CHG: changed format of %_replaygain_track_gain% and %_replaygain_album_gain% for
Musepack to difference values.
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new:AuSpec - небольшая утилита предназначенная для генерации спектрограмм звуковых файлов. Использует библиотеки BASS и CXIMAGECRT. В пакет включен специальный скрипт и просмотрщик картинок ACDSee Classic. Утилиту очень удобно использовать в связке с foobar2000.
update:QAAC (QuickTime AAC/ALAC Encoder) v0.25 - наконец-то нет необходимости помещать DLL файлы в одну папку с кодировщиком. В связке с foobar2000 можно использовать только qaac.exe.
release 0.25
posted Nov 28, 2010 12:43 PM by n u Enabled 24bit ALAC encoding.
Added FLAC output support in alacdec.exe (use -F option). This might be handy when you want to keep tags in the original ALAC file. alacdec copies most of the major tags into result FLAC file.
release 0.24
posted Nov 23, 2010 5:47 PM by n u
Fixed the issue #3 (at github):
Combination of --ignorelength + cuesheet input was buggy. In this case, encoded song started from wrong position, and had wrong length.
release 0.23
posted Nov 22, 2010 8:20 PM by n u
I'm sorry, release 0.21 didn't fixed the tool tag duplication bug for cue sheet input case. Therefore, I re-fixed the problem.
release 0.22
posted Nov 22, 2010 5:04 PM by n u
Enabled simple user-defined file name formatting for cue sheet input. You can specify format with new --fname-format option.
By default, format "${tracknumber}${title& }{$title}" is used, and this will generate file named like previous versions.
I will explain format strings spec in the usage page.
release 0.21
posted Nov 22, 2010 10:57 AM by n u
When encoding multiple files at once, encoder settings like "TVBR 127" were repeated in the "tool" tag.
release 0.20
posted Nov 20, 2010 10:38 AM by n u
DLLs like libsndfile_vc71.dll are now optional and dynamically loaded. They are still in the release archive, but You don't have to put them if you don't need them (especially when you are using qaac via foobar2000 or something).
qaac now load DLLs from it's install directory only, therefore if you want them, place them in the same directory with qaac.exe.
I cleaned up the source tree, added VisualStudio project file, and placed them at github repository. Now the building process would be much easier, I hope.
release 0.19
posted Nov 17, 2010 5:15 AM by n u
Fixed a bug:
When processing CUE sheet as an input, which contains a track named like "Mr. bug", qaac produces "Mr.m4a".
I mean, the track name's part after dot was treated as an extension, and replaced with "m4a".
Added a support for MS-DOS style relative path
Fixed a bug that the encoder was not configured correctly when the samplerate of the input file was very high (>48kHz?)
Fixed a problem that caused an error when a current directory path contained invalid characters for the default character set
Gah, in this case QT changes the current directory path without any notice.
Added encoder configuration info to the tool metadata
Fixed a problem when the UNC-style path was passed
Note that the maximum path length is still limited to 260 characters due to the limitation of QuickTime API.
Fixed a file corruption bug when creating very small files
Better multichannel handling when the order info is missing
Further code cleanup
Fixed a crash when the input file did not exist
Fixed a bug that --samplerate keep option was not accepted for HE-AAC encoding
Overhaul of some internal routines - now the executable size is almost as half
Fixed some problems regarding timescale/duration/gapless info of HE-AAC files
Supported HE-AAC encoding
Finally I've found a hack to activate HE-AAC encoder. It is enabled by passing "--he" as a parameter. Note that the true VBR mode is not available in the encoder.
Supported multichannel audio files
Changed the default encoding parameter into TVBR q65
Fixed: "Pause" command is unabled during the processing (thanks to Langtu)
new:foobar2000 v1.1.1 by Audiophile (сборка) - xоть и являюсь ярым противником сборок, всё-таки решил выложить тут свой foobar2000 - так сказать, для ознакомления. Сборка предоставляется "AS IS", т.е. как есть, без всяких инструкций и пояснений. Скажу только, что в ней множество полезных плагинов, настроенных утилит и кодеров с профилями конвертера, а также максималистский интерфейс с полным мониторингом звука. Надеюсь, кому-то пригодится.
update:SAM CoDeC Pack 2010 v2.65 with player - самый стабильный пакет DirectShow фильтров и утилит с плеером. Очень советую на замену всяким K-Lite'ам и пр. Заточен под Windows 7.
new:QIP 2010 build 4444 final + Kolobok4QIP v1.3 - пожалуй лучшая программа для общения в сети ICQ. Эта версия, в отличии от 2005, имеет лучшую совместимость с Windows 7 и Vista и включает в себя Jabber-клиент. В комплекте идет пак от U_PITER'а из более чем 250 анимированных смайлов.
Опубликована вторая бета версия TAK 2.1.0. Включает оптимизации SSSE3 (только для процессоров Intel). Прирост скорости кодирования находится в диапазоне от 10 до 30% (наиболее заметен при использовании процессоров Intel Core i3/5/7).
Также эта версия включает новый режим кодирования заточенный под сжатие lossyWAV файлов. Обратная совместимость со старыми декодерами в новом режиме отсутствует.
Недавно обнаружил, что на HydrogenAudio всерьез занялись обновлением документации к LAME. Так как имеющаяся документация уже давно устарела и не соответствует текущей версии LAME. На данный момент большинство информации уже обновлено. Последнюю версию документации всегда можно найти на SourceForge.
С новостями пока всё. Теперь о планах на будущее. В ближайшее время планирую добавить кодер TTA. Также, с выходом релизной версии TAK 2.1.0 собираюсь наконец-то написать инструкцию по использованию lossyWAV (в т.ч. lossyTAK/FLAC/WV). В связи с обновлением официальной документации к LAME планирую переработать страницу с русским описанием настроек кодера.
До следующего выпуска. Удачи.
Информация от партнеров: ремонт компьютеров бабушкинская.